October 2024

These features and Databricks platform improvements were released in October 2024.


Releases are staged. Your Databricks account might not be updated until a week or more after the initial release date.

Filters on notebook results tables now persist

October 8, 2024

Notebooks results tables now persist filters when you reopen a notebook. See Filter results.

Improvements to comments in notebooks

October 8, 2024

Improvements to the UI for commenting in notebooks make comments easier to add and find. For more information, see Code comments.

Databricks Runtime 16.0 (Beta)

October 8, 2024

Databricks Runtime 16.0 and Databricks Runtime 16.0 ML are now available as Beta releases.

See Databricks Runtime 16.0 (Beta) and Databricks Runtime 16.0 for Machine Learning (Beta).

Improvements to %autoreload keep Python modules synced with source code

October 8, 2024

Starting with Databricks Runtime 16.0, when you import a Python module from workspace files, Databricks automatically suggests using %autoreload if the module has changed since its last import. See Autoreload for Python modules.